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 一、麥當勞購買中杯冰那堤(原價65)或焦糖冰奶茶(原價40)買一送一 (期限

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Type of Oil or Fat  ↓ Saturated  ↓ Monounsaturated  ↓ Polyunsaturated  ↓ Smoke point  ↓ Uses  ↓
Butter 66% 30% 4% 150°C (302°F) Cooking, baking, condiment, sauces, flavoring
Ghee, Clarified butter 65% 32% 3% 190-250°C (375-485°F) Deep frying, cooking, sautéeing, condiment, flavoring
Canola oil 6% 62% 32% 242°C (468°F) Frying, baking, salad dressings
Coconut oil 92% 6% 2% 177°C (350°F) Commercial baked goods, candy and sweets, whipped toppings, nondairy coffee creamers, shortening
Corn oil 13% 25% 62% 236°C (457°F) Frying, baking, salad dressings, margarine, shortening
Cottonseed oil 24% 26% 50% 216°C (420°F) Margarine, shortening, salad dressings, commercially fried products
Grape seed oil 12% 17% 71% 204°C (400°F) Cooking, salad dressings, margarine
Lard 41% 47% 12% 138-201°C (280-395°F)[5] Baking, frying
Margarine, hard 80% 14% 16% 150°C (320°F)[6] Cooking, baking, condiment
Margarine, soft 20% 47% 33% 150-160°C (300-320°F) Cooking, baking, condiment
Diacylglycerol (DAG) oil 3.5% 37% 59% 215°C (420°F) Frying, baking, salad oil
Olive Oil (Extra Virgin) 14% 73% 11% 190°C (375°F) Cooking, salad oils, margarine
Olive oil (Virgin) 14% 73% 11% 215°C (420°F) Cooking, salad oils, margarine
Olive Oil (Refined) 14% 73% 11% 225°C (438°F) Sautee, stir frying, cooking, salad oils, margarine
Olive Oil (Extra Light) 14% 73% 11% 242°C (468°F) Sautee, stir frying, frying, cooking, salad oils, margarine
Palm oil 52% 38% 10% 230°C (446°F) Cooking, flavoring, vegetable oil, shortening
Peanut oil 18% 49% 33% 231°C (448°F) Frying, cooking, salad oils, margarine
Rice bran oil 20% 47% 33% 254°C (490°F) Cooking, stir frying, deep frying
Safflower oil 10% 13% 77% 265°C (509°F) Cooking, salad dressings, margarine
Sesame oil (Unrefined) 14% 43% 43% 177°C (350°F) Cooking, deep frying
Sesame oil (Semi-refined) 14% 43% 43% 232°C (450°F) Cooking, deep frying
Soybean oil 15% 24% 61% 241°C (466°F) Cooking, salad dressings, vegetable oil, margarine, shortening
Sunflower oil 11% 20% 69% 246°C (475°F) Cooking, salad dressings, margarine, shortening

There is a general lack of consensus on the smoke points of many popular oils, as well as a lack of standardization for qualifiers such as "refined". Empirical tests are heavily dependent on the qualities of the particular samples (brand, composition, process) available, but appear to be the major source of available data. In the field, experience trumps references, and there is no source that seems truly authoritative. A crude guide is that lighter, more refined oils have higher smoke points. If there is any doubt at all, be fully prepared to extinguish a burning oil fire before heating.

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食科所 Berry fruit : value-added products for health promotion / edited by Yanyun Zhao Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2007 us 179.95 12-20-2007
食科所 Handbook of nutraceuticals and functional foods / edited by Robert E.C. Wildman Boca Raton, FL : CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2007 us 299.90 12-20-2007
食科所 Food colorants : chemical and functional properties / edited by Carmen Socaciu Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, 2008 us 179.95 12-20-2007
食科所 Handbook of food engineering / Dennis R. Heldman and Daryl B. Lund New York : CRC   London : Taylor & Francis [distributor], c2007 us 199.95 12-20-2007
食科所 The lipid handbook with CD-ROM / Frank D. Gunstone, John L. Harwood, Albert J. Dijkstra Boca Raton : CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2007 us 499.00 12-20-2007
食科所 Handbook of vitamins / Janos Zempleni ... [et al.] Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2007 us 149.95 12-20-2007
食科所 Submicron emulsions in drug targeting and delivery / edited by Simon Benita Amsterdam : Harwood Academic, c1998 us 179.95 12-20-2007
食科所 Handbook of water analysis / editor by Leo M.L. Nollet Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, 2007 us 269.95 12-20-2007
食科所 Fennema's food chemistry / edited by Srinivasan Damodaran, Kirk L. Parkin, and Owen R. Fennema Boca Raton : CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, c2008 us 74.95 03-10-2008
食科所 Teaching innovations in lipid science / Randall J. Weselake Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC   London : Taylor & Francis [distributor], 2007 us 89.95 03-10-2008
食科所 Handbook of food preservation / M. Shafiur Rahman Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2007 us 159.95 12-20-2007
食科所 Understanding and controlling the microstructure of complex foods / edited by D. Julian McClements Cambridge : Woodhead Publishing Ltd.   Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2007 us 319.95 12-20-2007
食科所 Nutrient-drug interactions / edited by Kelly Anne Meckling Boca Raton : CRC/Taylor & Francis, c2007 us 100.00 12-24-2007
食科所 Approved methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists / compiled by the Approved Method Committee St. Paul, Minn. : AACC, 2000- us 579.00 02-15-2008
食科所 Wheat gluten protein analysis / edited by Peter R. Shewry and George L. Lookhart St. Paul, Minn. : American Association of Cereal Chemists, c2003 us 129.00 02-15-2008
食科所 Handbook of food analytical chemistry [electronic resource] : water, proteins, enzymes, lipids, and carbohydrates / edited By Ronald E. Wrolstad ... [et al.] Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley, c2005 us 285.00 04-15-2008



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網路追追追/颱風天吃泡麵? 煮麵別放調味包?

2008/07/28 09:17

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  2008/1/1起至2008/12/31日止凡於本館一樓翠堤廳消費 當月壽星享五折優惠,當日壽星享餐價免費!此方案需兩人同行限一人使用壽星方案,特定節日恕不得使用此優惠方案。

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