Scientific Methods
主題為『年輕研究者在生物醫學研究之教戰守則 (Survival Skills for Young Biomedical Researchers) 』,
主講人為現任教於 New York University 的孫同天院士 (Tung-Tien Sun)。這場演講非常的精彩,除了孫院士幽默風趣演講魅力外,
況且獨挑大樑,自早上九點到下午五點連續八小時的演說。( 堪稱老當益壯的阿伯 )讓人敬佩的除了六十n歲一條活龍外,還有他所帶來豐富精闢的Scientific Methods 論點。
但我會將講義大致放上,並加上我個人補述,但可惜的是由於孫院士即將出版一本Scientific Methods專書,
這次的主題雖然主要focus在生物醫學研究, 跟我們Computer Science或許有些許不同,
A.實驗設計 (Experimental Design)
B.文獻分析 與 摘要記錄 (Literature Analysis & Note-taking)
C.論文寫作 (Scientific Writing & Scientific Integrity)
D.口頭簡報 (Oral Presentation)
A. 實驗設計 (Experimental Design) - How to Get Any Lab Techniques to Work
Risk assessment
●.How much can I afford to make (potentially preventable) mistakes?
○.Time (在computer science (CS) 中可比照演算法執行之耗時)
○.Expensive or irreplaceable reagents (CS中有如錯誤的儀器採購)
○.Biological material
●.How much can I afford to trust the carious components of this experiment?
●.How thoroughly should I plan this experiment?
●.Failure is not an option (完整的事前分析有助降低錯誤的發生)Trust in authorities
●.Authorities: an accepted source of expert information or advice
●.Blind spots
●.How much can you trust an "authority"? Depending on the circumstance
●.Frequently perceived "authorities"
●.Charles River mice example
(BP: 我高中時的啟蒙老師 徐慶堂老師總是告訴我,不要完全相信課本,有能力指正課本的錯誤,這才是真正融會貫通)When failure is not an option, how to maximize your chance of success
●.Attitude ★★★
○.Detailed planning (養成隨手將idea紀錄並規劃完整也是很重要的)
○.Thorough understanding of every step
○.Foresee problems
●.Experimental design
○.Titration of key components: The N+(N-1) Rule
○.Good notebook (無論什麼實驗,完整的紀錄過程、心得與討論是非常重要的)
○.Questions / Hypotheses
○.Refs and notes
○.Design (Table)
○.FLOW CHART (寫下完整流程圖是避免因為時間而遺忘細節,可以不斷修正)
○.Solutions and reagents
●."Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion"Scientific Attitude
●.Long-term habit in decision-making
●.Become part of personality
●.Consequences: frustration, communication problems, lack of controls
●.Scientific attitude can be changed
○.Graduate course
○.Round table discussion
○.Lab culture (一個好的Lab文化可以促進伙伴們的進步,碩班時我們Lab會自發性的舉行Lab meeting,這對研究是有正向的幫助)
★.Self-reliance : 自己的研究一定要比任何人都瞭解,even是指導教授)Puzzles
●.Diagnosis of the problem
●.Constructive suggestions
Further Readings
●.Sun, T. T.(2004). Excessive trust in authorities and its influence on experimental design. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 5, 577-581.
●.Advice for a Young Investigator, by Santiago Ramon Y Cajal, Neely and Larry W. Swanson (Translators), Hardcover - 176 pages (March 1999)
●.Advice to a Young Scientist, by Peter Brian Medawar, Paperback (June 1981)
●.An Introduction to Scientific Research, by Edgar Bright Wilson, Paperback - 375 pages revised edition (February 1991)
●.At the Bench : A Laboratory Navigator, by Kathy Barker, Hardcover Spiral edition (July 1998), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
●.A Ph.D. Is Not Enough: A Guide to Survival in Science, by Peter J. Feibelman, Paperback - 109 pages (January 1994)
●.Advice for New Faculty Members: Nihil Nimus, by Robert Boice, Paperback - 288 pages 1 edition (January 5, 2000), Allyn & Bacon
●.Tomorrow's Professor: Preparing for Academic Careers in Science and Engineering, by Richard M. Reis, Paperback - 416 pages (April 1997)
●.Jump Start Your Career in BioScience, by Chandra B. Louise, Paperback - 214 pages (March 1998)
B. 文獻分析 與 摘要記錄 (Literature Analysis & Note-taking)
Literature analysis : Hypothesis -> Active reading -> Note taking
Passive Reading (走馬看花不求甚解是不夠的)
Active reading = with questions in mind
●.What are the problems?
●.Why are these problems important?
●.How Would I approach these problems?
●.What kind of data do I need to support their conclusions?
●.How would these conclusions fit into "my" thinking?
Stop and think - stop and think - after title, ABSTRACT, introduction. Then guess what should be on the next figure - what data would I generate?????
(一開始閱讀Abstract時便應該瞭解整個Paper的大綱、輪廓,而不是等讀完整個paper才瞭解Abstract在講什麼!! 讀完Abstract後便可以開始思考上面五個問題。)
Note taking
●.Three ring binder (將讀過的Paper進行分類,並將該paper論點以自己的想法寫出,並將自己衍生的想法一併寫在筆記中)
●.One subject per page
●.Alphabetically arranged
●."To discover is to bring together two ideas that were previously unlinked"Pick a research topic
Choosing a research problem:
●.Aim High (取法乎上,得乎其中,取法乎中,得乎其下。意思就是做研究眼光要放高放遠)
●.Focus! deeper, not broaden
●.Steady publications
●.Changing projects (急流勇退是種勇氣,並不可恥!)
C. 論文寫作 (Scientific Writing & Scientific Integrity) - How to Prepare Figures and the First Draft
Two elements of scientific writing:
●.Generation of ideas based on a given set of data - more a limiting factorWriting the first draft: >70% of the battle (這是很重要的,有什麼想法就儘管寫,有寫便有可以修改的地方,若因為覺得不完整而不寫,終究還是空白。)
●.Finalize the figures
●.Re-read relevant literature
●.Taking notes (one idea/key sentence per page, 因為每次Re-read literature後都要寫上與該idea、sentence相關的paper引用)
●.Outline 1 (with mentor)
●.Re-read some more literature
●.Outline 2
●.Re-read some more literature
●.Convert each key sentence into a paragraph
●.Finish first draft in one sitting if possibleKey sentence
●.One main idea per paragraph
●.Key sentence fully express this idea
●.KS preferably as the first sentence of the paragraph
The rest of the paragraph support, explain and expand the KSConverting the KS into a paragraph
Anatomy of a paper
○.Minimal wording
○.Maximal utilization of space
○.Maximal size
○.First decide one- or two-column width
●.Figure legends (要有好的且具吸引力的Title,並且減少technique words)
●.Result ( short and sweet, what is the "novel" finding?)
●.Discussion (what's new ,不能僅attack別人而不提出更好的證據)
●.Literature citation
○.Fairly crediting original papers
○.How we get here
Further Readings●.The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition, By William Strunk, Jr, E.B.white, and Roger Angell, Price: $7.95
●.How To Write & Publish a Scientific Paper: 5th Edition, by Robert A. Day (Editor), Price: $24.50, Paperback - 296 pages 5th edition (June 18, 1998), Oryx Press; ISBN: 1573561657
●.Scientific English : A Guide for Scientists and Other Professionals, by Robert A. Day, Price: $19.95, Paperback - 160 pages 2nd edition (August 1, 1995), Oryx Press
●.The MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication, by James G. Paradis, Muriel L. Zimmerman, Price: $37.95, Hardcover (February 1997), MIT Press
D. 口頭簡報 (Oral Presentation)●.Psychological build up
●.When you are there
●.Differences between a Talk and a Paper
●.Purpose of the slides
●.Slide making
○.Large and simple fonts (32,28 point)
○.Color (3 colors per slide, consistent color theme)
●.Slide presentation
○.One point per slide
○.Short title
○.Explain Everything (slide上有的就該講清楚)
○.Explain one element
○.One min per simple slide
○.Minimal words
○.Build up (Data first , conclusions last)
○.Up front (Begin with conclusions -> Data -> End again with conclusions , 破題法)
○.Table of content
●.Good transition is everything
○.At the end
●.Stop on time (通常時間愈短愈難控制)
★. A key to sucessful presentation : How to "lead" the audience ?
Answering Question Do's :
○.Thank you
○.Concise and to-the-point
.I can't hear you.... (當問題不清楚需要時間思考時,這是個好的拖延方法)
.Do you mean.....? (反問對方)
○.Repeat the question
○.Talk to the audience
○.Avoiding entangling
○.Perhaps you and I can continue later (遇到長舌的發問人可用)
○.Mr. Chairman (當時間不足又被釘住時,可藉由chairman來解脫,如詢問時間是否足夠等)
Answering Question Don's :
○.Cut off the questioner
○.Rate the questions (批評別人的問題是很沒禮貌的)
○.Insult the questioner (應該沒有這麼威猛的人吧?)
○.I don't know.....I don't know.......(大忌唷!!)
○.Apologize (多說多錯,承認錯誤也是種美德)
○.Hold your temper
Further Readings
●.Dazzle 'Em With Style : The Art of Oral Scientific Presentation, by Robert R. H. Anholt, List Price: $21.77, Paperback - 200 pages (March 1994), W H Freeman & Co
●."I Can See You Naked" : A New Revised Edition of the National Bestseller on Making Fearless Presentations, by Ron Hoff, Barrie Maguire (Illustrator), List Price: $12.95, Amazon Price: $10.36, Paperback - 326 pages Revised edition (November 1992), Andrews McMeel Publishing
以上就是孫教授針對Scientific methods的大致分類,
此外關於Scientific methods的相關補充,亦可至孫院士網站查詢。NYU School of Medicine - Sun Laboratory : http://www.med.nyu.edu/sun/people/index.html